Thursday, June 28, 2012

NET VALLEY  Internet Cafe  Rajakad ,  has got inaugurated  on 19th April 2012 10.30 am by hon Merchant Association President T.G Sasikumar .

        Net Vally is the one and only browsing Center in Rajakad , have all the latest Technologies like Wifi hotspot(free of Cost), Blue Ray Disc creation , DTP, Project Work , Online Air/Train Tickets, Free Phone Calling (PC TO PC , PC to Mpbile/Land Line and Land Line/Mobile to Land Line Mobile*)and  Providing super Gaming facilities like Sony PSP , 3D games and Motion games.....  so come and enjoy the thrilling.......

Sony Play Station 4

We are very happy to inform you that, Net valley is the one and only internet cafe is proving Sony Play station 4 gaming facility in idukki district. 
Video gamers around the world grew up with Sony PlayStation. We watched it evolve over the years, saw the release of the PS2 and PS3, and now eagerly countdown until the release date of the Sony PlayStation 4.
The original PlayStation was released in 1994. Although estimated to have a ten-year shelf life, the PS2 released in 2000. And even though that console was assumed to have a 10 year shelf life as well, the PS3 released in 2006. Now it has been five years since that date. Sony has announced that the PS3 also has a ten-year-shelf life, but the pattern speaks at a sooner release date than 2016. Maybe guess 2013-2014 is a good expectation, especially with the PS3 additions like PS Move.

We know that it will have a combination of motion and dual-shock gaming controllers. This will keep all gamers happy, since it won’t cut out a preferred method of gaming. It has been rumored that the PS4 will have optional 3-D gaming as well.
But what can we assume? Amazing, unparalleled graphics. Entertaining and stimulating game play. Technological advances that we can’t even guess at yet.
When the PS3 was released, it was sold-out in almost every store. People searched high and low while others auctioned off their consoles for twice the store value, since it was in such high demand. That is why we suggest Pre-Ordering your PS4.

What about games? What kind of video games are we going to experience in the years to come with the technological leaps we’ve been seeing? Probably high-budget blockbuster movie quality imagery, intricate and thrilling plots, and diverse, complex and compelling characters. The detailed worlds produced inPlayStation 4 Games will be awesome, to say the least.
Other speculators wonder about the physical design of the PS4. Many prefer the standard black that Sony has always used for their consoles, simply because they already created their entertainment system around the PS3, and an abnormal design will stand out. There are hundreds of designs released by gamers on the internet, but none are official. Some, like the sleek white ones with red detailing, look modern, so we can’t assume which direction Sony will take.
Should we expect our games to be delivered via disc, USB chip, or online marketplace? Now, that is a good question. We have to assume that Sony will make the PS4 backwards compatible, so there has to be a disc drive to play older games. USB chip is questionable, since they won’t have the speed like current PS3 discs offer. Offered as a download marketplace? Now, that sounds more likely. Being able to download a game directly to your console should cut down production cost of the discs, and it would make use of the 120+ gig drives we already have for the PS2. Many like the option of having both disc and online marketplace, leaving the choice up to the gamer.
Now, most of this is just speculation, based off what little has been released about the PS4. As learns more, we’ll let all of you know.